Perform With Us

If you're interested in performing as an individual musician or with a group (e.g., string quartet, jazz combo, pop/rock band), fill the 1 minute form, below to be added to our musician roster! We'll reach out to you when we begin recruiting for a future concert. You will likely be asked to submit a past performance as part of an audition process.

NOTE GROUP applications are welcomed and highly encouraged. Please indicate everyone's names and information.


If you're interested in starting a youth SFMW chapter (post-secondary/secondary) or a high school SFMW chapter, fill this form. You will be mentored and then partnered with a local long-term care home to perform.

NOTE GROUP applications are welcomed and highly encouraged if you have a core exec team chosen already. Please indicate everyone's names and information.

Finally, follow us on IG @sfmwellness to stay updated on current events / performing opportunities.